Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Effect of Caffeine on Typing Speed, Accuracy and Heart...

The effect of caffeine on typing speed, accuracy and heart beat 1. Introduction Caffeine is a substance found in coffee, tea and most sodas. When it is consumed, it is a mild stimulant. The energy drink, Monster, contains caffeine, which has the ability to manipulate adenosine (adrenaline), a substance present in the brain that is used to transmit brain signals to different parts of the body. Adenosine causes an increase in alertness and awareness. Modern studies show that there is direct benefits of the so-called â€Å"caffeine kick† that is experienced by drinkers. The behaviour of caffeine acts as a stimulant which increase brain memory. Caffeine belongs to the xanthine chemical group that has an influence on the central nervous†¦show more content†¦Caffeine will continue to have an effect on the body as long as it remains in the blood. The time required for the body to eliminate one-half of the total amount of caffeine consumed (or caffeines half-life) varies from several hours to several days, but for the average non-smoking adult it is about 3-4 hours. The health effects of caffeine have been extensively studied. The short term side effects of mild caffeine consumption have been identified as headaches, nausea and anxiety. The long term effects of moderate caffeine consumption have been identified as a reduced risk of developing Parkinson’s disease, type 2 diabetes, hepatic diseases and cardiovascular disease. The side effects that caffeine can have on people are both positive and negative. †¢ Positive effects - The high long-term consumption of caffeine is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. - Low dosages of caffeine increase alertness and decreased fatigue. - Caffeine is associated with increased attention, concentration, learning and memory. †¢ Negative effects - Caffeine can increase blood pressure. - Caffeine may reduce control of fine motor movement (e.g. producing shaky hands). - Caffeine can contribute to increased insomnia. - High dosages of caffeine can cause anxiety. - Caffeine is addictive. Figure 2: Illustration ofShow MoreRelated_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words   |  1422 PagesExperimental Design 51 2.5 More on Observational Studies: Designing Surveys (Optional) 56 2.6 Interpreting and Communicating the Results of Statistical Analyses 61 Activity 2.1 Designing a Sampling Plan 63 Activity 2.2 An Experiment to Test for the Stroop Effect 64 Activity 2.3 McDonald’s and the Next 100 Billion Burgers 64 Activity 2.4 Video Games and Pain Management 65 Graphing Calculator Explorations 69 3 Graphical Methods for Describing Data 75 3.1 Displaying Categorical Data: Comparative Bar

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Importance Of Animal Testing - 1883 Words

Animal Testing is Essential On the other had, some individuals deem animal testing necessary for the furthering of the medical field. There have been illnesses and diseases that have been eradicated due to animal experimenting. One such disease a vaccine that was resulted by successful experimentation on animals to combat it is the poliomyelitis vaccine Continuing, one essential aspect to consider when evaluating the similarities between humans and animals is the amount shared genes. According to Understanding Animal Research (2017), humans â€Å"share 95% of our genes with a mouse, making them an effective model for the human body† (â€Å"Forty Reasons Why†¦,† 2017, para. 4). With 95% of DNA matching, animal experiments have provided themselves to†¦show more content†¦In the earlier years, poliomyelitis or polio was a crippling and deadly disease that claimed the lives of millions of people or paralyzed its victims. The epidemic took the lives of more than 2.5 billion children prior to the vaccination discovery (â€Å"History of Polio,† YEAR). It was due to animal experimentations that Dr. Jonas Salk discovered a vaccination to combat the deadly disease. Salk and his team developed a method to produce large amounts of vaccine by cultivating the polioviruses in the kidney tissues of monkeys ( "Polio Cases, Deaths†¦,† 2017). However, what few people know is that it was also due to animal testing that the polio vaccine was delayed. According to David Wiebers, a neuroscientist, and his colleagues at the Mayo Clinic, they revealed that the studies on the monkeys also led to gross misconceptions delaying the fight against polio. (CITE) The experiments conducted originally indicated that the polio virus infects mainly through the nervous system halting the search for a cure. The erroneous conclusion contradicted the human studies which demonstrated that the polioviruses’ primary route of infection was through the gastrointestinal system resulting in misdirected preventive measures, delaying the development of a vaccine (CITE). When scientist experiment on animals, a cure can often be thrown away in the animal trial appears misleading or unsuccessful (Akhtar, 2014). An editorial in Nature Review Drug Discovery describes howShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of An imals For Animal Testing1754 Words   |  8 PagesAnimal research, also known as in vivo testing, is the use of animals for experiments. Experimentation on animals dates back to as early as 500 BC, making this form of medical education and research one of the most fundamental known to humans. Almost 400 years ago, a doctor named William Harvey used animals to discover how blood circulated in the body. This discovery is considered the spark of the scientific revolution in which many lives were saved all thanks to the help of animal testing. The modernRead MoreAnimal Research And Testing : The Importance Of Animal Testing1441 Words   |  6 Pagesfor scientists to better understand medical related issues, so they started to perform their hypothesized experiments on specific animals. The data recovered led to a discovery that certain species’ genetic, biological and behavioral characteristics closely resemble those of the human race, allowing us to replicate many symptoms of human conditions. Although animal experimentation may seem morally wrong, as one of the largest contributors to not only medical, but other advancements benefiting theRead MoreThe Importance Of Animal Testing857 Words   |  4 Pagescomes to animal testing. A considerable amount of people believe that examinations should be banned, others think it should be continued. According to NCBI, animals have been utilized repeatedly since 384 BC. This disagreement has been debated since before the 1920’s and is still continuing. The main opposing point of animal examinations, is the extent of the experiment used on the animal. But, if scientists did not take part in animal testing, humans safety would be in danger. Although animals shouldRead MoreImportance of Animal Testing804 Words   |  4 PagesThe use of animals in scientific research has made dramatic improvements in our understanding of the human race. Despite the controversies that surround this issue, without this process of testing it is certain that much of what is known today towards the quality and quantity of life would remain closed off to us. Over the years, scientists have gained the ability to solve medical problems, cure diseases, and develop vaccines all with the use of animals during scientific research. To believe thatRead MoreThe Importance Of Animal Testing1240 Words   |  5 Pages Animal testing has long played a part in the science of testing, and it still plays a very important role in the medical world. Testing on animals in order to create a cure for AIDS is one thing, but testing on animals for human vanity is another. Animal testing is used to test the safety of a product. It has kept some very unsafe substances out of the cosmetic world. However, in this day in age, animal testing is not the only way to test the safety of a product. Animal testing in cosmetics hasRead MoreImportance Of Animal Testing1726 Words   |  7 PagesAnimal testing: Is it necessary? People take medicine, and they wear makeup. Most people own one or two or maybe more pets. Some people love their pets as if they were their own children. Pets are loved and taken care of. They are rescued and adopted. But do people know that they are treated the opposite in a laboratory? It is estimated that every year, 26 million animals are used for scientific and commercial testing in the United States. There are many reasons animals are used for testing. SomeRead MoreThe Importance Of Animal Testing1779 Words   |  8 PagesDid you know animal testing is cruel?, it puts animals lives in jeopardy and the tests are not always accurate, it needs to be stopped. Abraham once said â€Å"I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being† ( I do not believe animal testing is right, it hurts the animal and the experiments are not accurate, we should try to make this process more safe and calmRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Be Banned Essay1707 Words   |  7 Pagespossibly the lives that were spent doing so. Those lives being the ones of animals tested in pharmaceutical settings to assure the safety of the product you just swallowed. It is difficult to justify the use of animals in this way, but when put simply we make the choice between putting human life, or the life of an animal on the line. While businesses have searched for other methods of testing, there is no more accurate way of testing toxicology than through a live host. Despite it not being the most idealRead MoreThe Effects Of Animal Testing Essay1432 Words   |  6 PagesThe Effects of Animal Testing Animal testing is by far, inhumane and downright unacceptable. Although, there are various types of organizations that are pro-animal care, such as, Animal Welfare information center, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare and, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals or, PETA, all in which do their best to keep animal testing as humane as possible, there are alternatives for finding cures or testing the safety of certainRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing1502 Words   |  7 Pagesthat animal testing is beneficial to the advancement of human knowledge, while animal rights’ activists claim that animal testing is not humane and violates animals’ rights. The controversy over animal testing is best understood as a disagreement about whether animal testing is beneficial to humans. Each year more than 100 million animals are killed in the U.S. Every country has a law that permits medical experimentation on animals. W hile some countries protect particular kinds of animals from

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Molecular Genetics Catching the Criminal Using Electrophoresis Free Essays

Introduction A sample of DNA found in a crime scene was provided along with five suspects. Their DNA was then processed using restriction enzymes and Agarose Gel Electrophoresis. The objective of this lab was to match a criminals DNA to a crime scene using restriction enzymes EcoRI and Pstl with Agarose gel electrophoresis. We will write a custom essay sample on Molecular Genetics: Catching the Criminal Using Electrophoresis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Restriction enzymes cut DNA at a specific base pair site recognized by the enzyme, which then turns one single strand of DNA into many fragmented strands of DNA. EcoRI recognizes and cuts the palindromic base pair sequence GATTC while Pstl recognizes and cuts the palindromic base pair sequence CTGCAG. Agarose gel electrophoreses separates these fragmented DNA by their size. The negatively charged DNA moves through the Agarose gel to the positively charged end of the gel. The smaller fragments move through the gel more quickly allowing a linear view of the fragmented DNA when the process is complete. Since each individuals DNA will be cut into different size fragments when restriction enzymes are applied we can match one of the suspects to the crime scene DNA sample. This process enables an individual’s DNA to be matched, much like a fingerprint, to a sample of unknown DNA. Methods An enzyme mix of EcoRl and Pstl was added 10 microliters at a time to the crime scene sample and suspect samples one through five each containing 20 microliters of DNA. A new pipet was used for each transfer of the enzyme mix to ensure that there was no cross contamination of the suspects. To guarantee the enzyme reacts with the DNA the six samples mixed with enzyme were then centrifuged. You can read also King v Cogdon The samples were incubated at 37  ° C for 45 minutes, after incubation 5 microliters of dye were added to each sample. During this time an Agarose gel was cast using an 8 well comb. The Agarose gel was placed in the electrophoresis chamber with the wells at the cathode end and 275mL of electrophoresis buffer was added. In the first well 10 microliters of Hindlll DNA marker was added. This marker was provided dyed. In the following wells 20 microliters of each sample was added, Table 1 provides the lane information. The volts were set at 120 Volts and the sample was electrophoresed for 30 minutes. After the gel was electrophoresed it was transferred into a container and dyed with Fast Blast DNA stain so the DNA fragments could become visible to the eye. Results Figure 1 below shows the samples once they have been dyed. To the naked eye it would appear that the closest match to Lane 2 (the crime scene) would be Lane 4 (Suspect 2) but to verify this conclusion you need to calculate the size of the bands. To compare the samples the size of each marker band was measured from the well to the band in mm and graphed with the given size of each band as shown in Graph 1. In the first column of Table 2, Hindll size in base pairs was provided, to find the approximate size of the other samples the distance of each band was plugged in as an x-value to the y=-142x+13214 equation found using excel on the best fit line on Graph 1. Comparing the crime scene column to suspects one through five it was found that Suspect 3 was the criminal. His DNA fragments were of similar size and travelled a similar distance through the electrophoresis gel. Discussion- There is a pretty serious error with the calculations of size in base pairs as presented in Table 2. Some of the base pair lengths were found to be negative numbers which does not properly correlate to the proposed size of the bands. This error was most likely to have happened in the graphing of the marker. In the results it was discussed that Suspect 3 is most likely to be the criminal but this result was found by disregarding the negative values. If the error was corrected and the correct size measurements were found the suspect found to be the criminal may have been different. Since the values for size had an error in them the criminal could not be positively identified. Conclusion- In this lab it was clear that pairing restriction enzymes with gel electrophoresis makes it possible to match a DNA sample to an individual. Applying the restriction enzyme cuts each DNA sequence into a unique size and amounts of fragments for each sample. This unique combination of sequences is what makes it possible to run the fragments through an electrophoresis gel that separates the fragments into a unique â€Å"fingerprint. Although a suspect was not properly identified to the crime scene sample, it is clear how it would be possible to identify a criminal. Table 1- This table lists each lane of the electrophoresis well and what sample was pipeted into it and how much of each sample in microliters. Lane one starts on the left hand of the well. Graph 1- The graph provides a scatter plot of the marker in lane 1, in a log scale, linear fit with a best fit line through it. Th e equation for slope found was y=-142x+13214. How to cite Molecular Genetics: Catching the Criminal Using Electrophoresis, Papers

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Value Of Deferred Tax Attributed To Revaluations - Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Value Of Deferred Tax Attributed To Revaluations. Answer: Various items listed under equity can be ascertained from the annual report of Folkestone education trust unit. Items that are listed under equity include contributed equity, undistributed profits and available for sale financial assets reserve. Contributed equity are the total amount of shares that company buys directly from public either in the form of initial public offering and issuance of stock (Wahlen et al. 2014). The total amount of equity of Folkestone education trust unit is recorded at $ 629670 million in year 2017 and $ 531800 in year 2016 respectively. It is indicative of the fact that total equity value has increased by $ 97870 million ( 2018). Undistributed profits are value of retained earnings or profits that have accumulated over a period and have been re invested in business. Such profits are reinvested in business and they are not distributed to shareholders in the form of dividends. Available for sale financial assets reserve is a financial security that is not classified or held for trading purpose (Mullinova and Simonyants 2016). Total amount of contributed equity is recorded at 324088 million in year $ 2016 compared to $ 330392 in year 2017. Undistributed profits have increased from $ 201975 in year 2016 as against $ 288835 in year 2017. Value of available for sale financial assets reserve has increased significant from $ 5737 million in year 2016 to $ 10443 in year 2017 respectively ( 2018). Folkestone education trust unit has incurred a tax expense of $ 530000 in year 2017 that is incorporated in other expenses in consolidated statement of comprehensive income. Amount of tax expense in year 2016 is recorded at $ 849000. It can be seen that total amount of tax expenses have reduced in year 2017 ( 2018). Accounting income for year 2017 and 2016 is recorded at $ 122310 and $ 106771 and the effective tax rate that is applicable to organization is 30%. From the reported figure, it is indicated that accounting income of company has increased in current year. Value of accounting income time the tax rate is (30% * $ 122310= 36693) for year 2017 and (30% *$ 106771= $ 32031.3) for year 2016. Analysis of figures indicates that tax expense of Folkestone education trust unit is higher than company tax rate times the accounting income. It is because an organization has to incur various types of income tax expenses and the factor that lead to differences between these two figures is that income tax might already be incurred that is deducted in coming years and in some years, income is charged. From the analysis of annual report of education trust unit, it can be seen that company has not reported any amount of deferred tax assets on their balance sheet. Organization has already paid their tax, they have been recognized in consolidated statement of comprehensive income, and this is because there is no creations of tax loss carry forward (Hanlon et al. 2016). Furthermore, there is no reporting of distribution payable and this is indicated by the amount of tax allowances that has been made for plant, building and equipment depreciation. This amount has been kept for distributing to unit holders of trust unit in the form of tax that is deferred component of distribution (Johnston and Kutcher 2015). Amount of deferred tax liabilities for year 2017 is recorded at $ 9049000 and for year 2016, amount stood at $ 8425000 ( 2018). However, there has not been any deferred tax assets that is recorded in the financial statements. Folkestone education trust unit has not recorded any current tax assets for both the financial year that is 2016 and 2017. However, organization has recorded distribution tax payable that incorporates taxable amount and the amount is recorded at $ 9049000 in year 2017 and $ 8425000 in year 2016. When looking at figures of income tax expense for both the years, that is $ 530000 in year 2017 and at $ 849000 in year 2016 respectively ( 2018). Therefore, from the analysis of figures, it can be said that there is considerable difference between distribution payable and income tax expense. Distribution payable incorporating tax payable is more than total amount of income tax expenses for both the financial year. Calculations of income tax payable are done based on accounting profits reported for any particular year (Tan and Robinson 2014). There can be difference in accounting profits and taxable profits due to several reasons such as timing differences, taxation law and r ules that is imposed by government. Income tax expense for year 2017 is recorded at $ 530000 and for year 2016, amount stood at $ 849000. It can be seen that in the current year income tax expense has reduced. Distribution payable for year 2017 is recorded at $ 9049000 and for year 2016, value is recorded at $ 8425000 ( 2018). Therefore, the amount of tax paid or payable by company has not been provided in the balance sheet of company. It is not possible to make comparison between amount of income tax expense recorded and income tax payable due to insufficient information available concerning tax payments. The treatment of tax in the financial statement of Folkestone education trust unit was confusing and somewhat difficult to understand. This is attributable to the fact that information regarding taxation was not available in detail. New insights have been gained in terms of recording of amount of deferred tax liabilities in the form of tax allowances for depreciation of equipment, property and plant. Analysis of financial statements of organization is illustrative of the fact that little information concerning payment of tax would not assist investors or users in gaining detail information about it. Organization makes use of flow through basis for the purpose of taxation (Tan and Robinson 2014). It was ascertained that present value is determined by discount rate that helps in assessing time value of money of current market and risks that are particular to any liability. Therefore, new insights that have been gained are that organization makes use of tax rate in their process of capi tal budgeting decisions. References list: Badenhorst, W.M. and Ferreira, P.H., 2016. The Financial Crisis and the Value relevance of Recognised Deferred Tax Assets. Australian Accounting Review, 26(3), pp.291-300. (2018).Folkestone Financial Reports Folkestone. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Jan. 2018]. Bloxham, E., 2015. Can corporate accounting ever be reformed?. Fortune magazine. Cao, M., Chychyla, R. and Stewart, T., 2015. Big Data analytics in financial statement audits. Accounting Horizons, 29(2), pp.423-429. Hanlon, D., Navissi, F. and Soepriyanto, G., 2014. The value relevance of deferred tax attributed to asset revaluations. Journal of Contemporary Accounting Economics, 10(2), pp.87-99. Johnston, D. and Kutcher, L., 2015. Do Stock-Based Compensation Deferred Tax Assets Provide Incremental Information about Future Tax Payments?. The Journal of the American Taxation Association, 38(1), pp.79-102. Mullinova, S. and Simonyants, N., 2016. Reflection of a deferred tax liability in the credit union reporting according to IFRS (IAS) 12 Income taxes. Modern European Researches, (1), pp.83-88. Small, R., Yasseen, Y. and Jansen, J., 2016. Accounting for deferred taxation: accounting technical. Professional Accountant, 2016(27), pp.14-16. Tan, C. and Robinson, T.R., 2014. Asian Financial Statement Analysis: Detecting Financial Irregularities (Vol. 8). John Wiley Sons. Wahlen, J., Baginski, S. and Bradshaw, M., 2014. Financial reporting, financial statement analysis and valuation. Nelson Education. Warren, C.S. and Jones, J., 2018. Corporate financial accounting. Cengage Learning. Widiatmoko, J. and Mayangsari, I., 2016. The Impact of Deferred Tax Assets, Discretionary Accrual, Leverage, Company Size and Tax Planning Onearnings Management Practices. Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 7(1), pp.22-31.